I also have some "Grey's Anatomy" goodies that'll take me lifetime and a half to upload, but I promise all you diehard "Grey's" fans, that you won't be sorry. Also, the sneak peek of "Dirty Sexy Money" will be up (hopefully) before the premiere tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Just so you guys will believe that I have been keeping tabs on some shows that just premiered and ones I've been watching, here are some of my quick takes:
- Sunday's "Brothers & Sisters" third season premiere started off the same, but who doesn't like watching sparring siblings try to keep secrets hidden, fighting over the family business and mucking their relationships up? My favorite TV couple, Scotty and Kevin, almost surpasses the adorableness of Jim and Pam from "The Office" with their quick-witted banter. (I did say almost right?) [First Impression: 7/10]
- Is it just me or is "Chuck" just getting better and better as the episodes (and seasons) continue? Monday's premiere was full of what we all love - Chuck getting into a mound of crap, Chuck and Sarah moving two millimeters closer to being more than just co-workers, Chuck and Morgan planning out an elaborate Call of Duty battle plan and Chuck saving the day ... as Charles Carmichael, which actually worked. Take note my amateur spy friends, take note. [First Impression: 8/10]
- I had to watch Monday's "Gossip Girl" episode because of "How I Met Your Mother" (sorry "GG" fans!), but I did manage to watch most of it this afternoon. In my mind, "Gossip Girl" can do no wrong and it proved that with this Fashion Week-centric ep. It was entertaining, funny and complete with quotable one-liners. Who doesn't love that? But, where was Nate and Vanessa? [First Impression: 7.5/10]

- I missed the first 20 minutes of "House" because I was at dinner at Philippe's with my roommate but I can already tell this episode is filled with sarcastic zings from the limping doc himself and comparable comebacks from his private investigator slash new best friend. [First Impression: 9/10]
On a lighter note, "How I Met Your Mother" was great. Who knew Reeg could act so well? (Kidding, sort of.)
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